If I ever forget
I want you to remember for me
how you caused joy
were anticipated
years before you were born
If I ever forget
the day you first smiled at us
remember that your tiny hands were
more precious than the sunrise
your smile became the moon
playing hide and seek
If I ever forget
the first time you cried
because you understood feelings
remember for me
that I have never faced a day with more anxiety
If I ever forget
the silly names your siblings suggested
most more suitable for pets
remember how their love and joy made me laugh
because their hearts were overflowing
If I ever forget
the first time we held you
remember then
that I felt
my life’s purpose complete
If I ever forget
remind me
to look under the bed
at the time capsule of your childhood
pull out the art
and show me all
the wonder and beauty
you discovered or created
whether or not I was watching
If I ever forget
remind me of your first steps
your toddles, bounds, and leaps
as your body and mind gained speed
and ran off
excited, thrilled
to places I couldn’t be
If I ever forget
remind me
that I have souls
pure joy
beside me